News Article Writing is Different From Normal Article Writing

News article writing is different from the normal article writing. Every article for news starts always with a lead in the first few sentences of the article consisting of 25 words or less. These sentences answers questions like what, who, when, why, how, and where. However as all questions are not applicable to every article written for news every lead is not in position to answer each questions. Once finalization of lead takes place, and then write the rest of the content in the article as upside down triangle where most important details of the news are at the start of the article and lesser important items of the news subsequently moves down the article up to the end.

This style of writing termed as inverted pyramid is ideal for the two important purposes. First, readers do not always have time to read the article completely. They rush through the article. By going through the initial part of the article they are able to get complete news story. Second, in the field of publishing, everything comes after advertising. In case advertiser requires more space, the layout designer has to leave part of the article. To rewrite the article at the last minute is not possible. Instead of that, news article writing adopts such a style that last few sentences if cut from the article does not make any difference.

You do not need a degree in journalism to create excellent article for news. Rather you have to follow few simple but very vital points. News article writing is all about representing facts or happenings with truth. The first thing to draw attention of your targeted audience is the headline of the article. You need to develop skill to write short headlines, the ones which are clear to tell what your news is and why the readers should read it. While writing the article you should keep in mind that you are not into novel writing. Your main aim is to catch the attention of the readers and inform them about the happenings around.

Newsworthy event does not always happen in a pre-planned manner. It can take place anywhere and anytime. You should always be prepared to handle this uncertainty if you want to write article containing the latest news. You should ensure to have paper and pen all the time with you. Carrying tape recorder with you will provide you an edge. Things seen or heard are to be recorded instantaneously so that you do not miss on any thing. After all, news article writing involves penning down the facts as precisely as possible. You should obtain information completely before you start writing the article. You do not have to waste time calling other people or visiting the site of scene again to gather information in case you forgot to pen down the vital data.

You should know very well the elements and formats in news article writing to master the art and hence to speed up the process of writing the article. The article written should be fast in addition to reliable. Reason is simple the happenings in the world are so many and so fast that if you take time to report that news may become old. To write fast you have put your head and heart at work, only thoughts should be of your readers just concentrating on how to make the article more appealing and compelling. Your problems and negative thoughts should take backseat. In order to have fast writing of your articles editing and writing should take place at different times. Editing of articles along with writing will definitely disrupt the flow of your thoughts.

You should not come across a stage where you have to try to recollect the ideas that you might have thought. In any field there is no end to learning. Same applies to news article writing. You should read newspapers and news websites every day to have the feel of how exactly attention grabbing these articles are written. Don’t hesitate to interact with veteran reporters and experts in this field to get valuable advice. The veteran renowned reporters are institutions for all those who have the urge to succeed in the field of text journalism. These significant inputs will help you a long way in your success as a writer of articles for news.

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