Isabel Caro Is A Brave Young Woman – Her 13 Year Struggle With Anorexia May Save Lives

Is it enough to go to such extremes as having a poster campaign, which was launched in Italy on Monday, September 24th 007, in the campaign for awareness of Anorexia? Will it have the right impact on society?

With the death of three models over the run of one year, the Fashion world stood up and took action against the disease. (a recap is listed below)

Girls starving themselves to point of their organs failing, in order to have a glam career is what it’s come to in the Fashion World. But, anorexia has been around a long time, and it affects people all over the world. Eating disorders like anorexia can kill, and unfortunately it’s not the type of disease that can be easily fixable. There are no pills, there is no direct treatment that works for everyone, there is no physical reason for it to develop. Other than what’s in the mind of the anorexic, or bulimic.

Being educated in what’s going on in the world about anorexia is what this article is all about. Informing people of who is taking action, and why. Maybe other countries will join them, maybe even your own.

So, for the curious reader, the ones who want to learn about the disease, and how certain places are making it known that it won’t be tolerated any longer, I have tallied up some facts for you, about Italy, and Milan in particular. I love Models, I love Fashion Tv, and I write a lot of articles for Models because I think they should have a healthy and fabulous career. They deserve it, and the rest of the world deserves to be have healthy, strong viable youths. And it certainly seems to be on the horizon.

Here’s a recap of some of the facts:

Isabel Caro, an anorexic for over 13 years, posed nude for a series of photographs that are being displayed on billboards, and in a centerfold picture for a popular news paper in Italy.

Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani, known for his disturbing photographs of aids victims, was the most appropriate choice for this sensitive issue. Isabel Caro is a young French woman, and she weighs just over 31 kilos, (68.2 lbs) as Milan’s Fashion Star, to promote the dangers of the disease of anorexia.

No Anorexia it states, No-l-ita.

The Fashion World has applauded the campaign sponsored by Italian clothing company Flash & Partners to publicize their fashion brand targeting young women.

The reactions from such a naked truth about the disease runs extreme in both directions. Some health professionals are worried that envy from those suffering the disease may increase the competition anorexic’s often fall prey to. “This model should be in a hospital, not on a billboard, was reported to the BBC News in the UK, by Health Professionals in Italy.

Giorgio Armani called the imagery shocking, and he thought it was “opportune” as a way of making people face up to the dangers of anorexia, which he said had little to do with models on catwalks. “Anorexia has reasons which are not linked to fashion. Even people who take no notice of fashion get anorexic,” he said.

Giorgio Armani has a distinct point. Unless you are a fashion guru, have time to fly to Milan, Paris and New York, for fashion shows, you aren’t really going to notice a runway Model, or even be able to name the ‘It’ girl of the week. Media such as television and magazine models all don’t necessarily walk the runways of the modeling industry. In fact, the weight loss pressures seen on television, and exaggerated stats on obesity in certain countries also do factor in on how the general public perceive the acceptable size of a beautiful woman. For this disease to be combated, everyone needs to take a piece of the responsibility.

Toscani himself (the controversial photographer) concluded that the disease of anorexia was not the fault of fashion, he was quoted to say. “It’s a much wider phenomenon, involving all the media and TV in particular. Television offers young women absurd models for success”.

Riccardo Dalle Grave, head of an Italian association dealing with eating disorders, wasn’t impressed by the use of an anorexic model for a publicity stunt.

“You can die from this disease,” he said. “If they really want to prevent it, it would be better to help young women accept a variety of body measurements and understand that beauty comes in all sizes”.

Dalle Grave admitted the campaign’s alarming images are getting the public talking, but said talking about anorexia with likely victims often wasn’t helpful. It could even spark “self-destructive behavior,” he said.

Fabiola De Clercq, leader of the ABA association for research into Anorexia and Bulimia, had reportedly referred to Toscani’s scandalous photo as “excessively crude”. She was quoted to have concerns about the impact having the right effect on girls suffering from the illness. “They could feel envious of the anorexic model photographed in an ad and think that they too can get thinner. Done this way, this campaign has no sense,” she said.

Corriere della Sera, a popular Italian newspaper refused to publish the crude photos, and it was picked up by their competition La Repubblica.

On the other side of the fence, there was reportedly a supporting statement for the anorexia awareness campaign from the Italian health ministry. The alarming image of Isabelle Caro could “open an original channel for communication” and “encourage people to shoulder their responsibilities in the area of anorexia,” said Minister Livia Turco.

The billboard was released to the public a week prior to the Fashion Show Week in Milan. It had the streets buzzing with curiosity, and in some cases praise for such an impacting statement in a single photograph.

Isabelle Caro, the star Model for Milan’s fashion week, was interviewed by Vanity Fair, where she openly discusses her silent struggles with anorexia. She expressed her reasoning for exposing her body in such a manner as ‘psychologically useful’.

She was quoted to say, “I’ve hidden myself and covered myself for too long. Now I want to show myself fearlessly, even though I know my body arouses repugnance”.

She certainly was brave to willingly be so utterly exposed, but with Toscani’s vision in control of the camera, a quality respectable and impacting statement was certain to be created. As long as people keep talking about the disease, and countries such as Italy show they care about young women, hopefully the disease will decrease in numbers among women.

It was a shocking day in Italy, when the naked truth was exposed about the disease anorexia, the buzz on the street however, was supportive, receptive, and just like Milan, leading in the fashion trends, and standing strong for what they believe in!

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