Men’s Fashion Muscles In

Stop Press! Men’s fashion sales overtake women’s!

Nah, only kiddin. Wouldn’t it be great though if just once, the menswear departments on the high street weren’t located on the top floor or in the basement. I can hear the howls of protest now, from every woman shopper who currently has the luxury of walking in off the street and is presented with the very latest offerings within two seconds of entering the store. Shopping heaven for women. No hunting for the lift or escalator.

The reason for this most effective product placement is that women have traditionally bought far more clothes and fashion than men, so it just makes sense to turn over most of the prime real estate to women’s wear.

That’s fair enough on the high street, but online it’s a completely different matter. The playing field is a lot more level online, not least because ladies and men’s fashion happily exist within a click of each other, rather than at the other end of the building.

Geography and layout of departments aside, online the differences are not as great as you might expect. It seems that men these days pay far more attention to how they look, and without the constraints of having their clothes tucked away in the basement or in the heavens, men are suddenly taking more of an interest in shopping, and Internet shopping in particular.

In short, the Internet has given men a much needed shot in the arm in the area of men’s fashion. These days, not only are men’s fashions much easier to find, there are a lot more of them as well. And with a greater range of styles and a much wider range of sizes, menswear sales are giving ladies fashion a good run for their money.

It’s unlikely that men’s fashion sales will overtake women’s, but with the online playing field now as level as it is, I wouldn’t get too complacent.

Happy Shopping.

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