Makeover Photo-Shoots – High Fashion To Casual Comfort

If you want to feel really special, and have a permanent reminder of how beautiful you really are, then have a makeover photo-shoot!

We all lead very busy lives, and it is often difficult to find time for yourself, let alone to dress-up for a glamorous event. At the same time, we are all bombarded every day with images in magazines and on television, of celebrities and professional models immaculately dressed and beautifully made-up, whether they are attending a party or cleaning the kitchen! This can adversely affect your self-confidence, making you think you are less attractive than those around you. The solution is simple – a specialist makeover photo-shoot, that reminds you just how beautiful you really are.

Makeover photo-shoots are quite different from traditional portrait photo-shoots, as the aim is to transform you from your everyday appearance to that of a professional model. The makeover element includes the services of a top make-up-artist, and the best studios have their own wardrobe of clothing and accessories, to help transform you into whatever style or look you want. Thereafter, specialist photographers use the same photographic techniques used to shoot models, to transform your everyday appearance into that of a model. The tricks-of-the-trade applied by the experts include: selecting the right poses for the client, to emphasise their best feature; using different styles of lighting, to further emphasise aspects of the subject; using different sets and backgrounds, to create the right context for the images; and applying the same post-processing techniques (known as air-brushing) used to produce marketing and celebrity images, to remove those little imperfections that make us all unique!

A key feature of high quality makeover photo-shoots is your ability to select the styles that you want, from high fashion to casual comfort, thereby allowing your personality and preferences to be captured in the images. Perhaps you would like to be photographed in a ball-gown in a traditional style, in casual clothes relaxing, or in your sports kit showing-off your healthy figure. Whatever the styles you want, a good makeover studio will accommodate your requirements, whether you want a single stunning image for display in your home, or an album of images displaying the different facets of your personality.

When arranging a makeover photo-shoot, you should be very selective. It is important to consider the total cost of the shoot (the shoot itself, the images, printing, etc), whether you own the copyright of the images (so you can re-print them whenever you want), how many outfit changes and different backgrounds are included, how much time you have in the studio, and the quality of the images in the studio’s portfolio.

If you arrange a makeover photo-shoot with a good specialist studio, you will have a really fun day, and a wonderful set of images, that will boost your confidence and last a lifetime.

You can view example Makeover Photo-Shoot images here.

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