General Motors, Ford and Chrysler, the historic “Big 3” American automobile manufacturers are on a deathwatch. Their collective futures appear to be solely dependent on the political whims of the United States Congress. As they burn cash, are strangled by huge legacy labor obligations, confront perceived quality issues and offer […]
designer news
3D CAD Designer Secrets
Becoming an efficient 3D CAD designer takes time, and an understanding of how to manipulate the commands at your disposal within CAD software. With a few of my very own trade secrets I can help you design 3D models in less than half the time it takes most CAD designers. […]
Residential Wind Power News?
Much of the “news” relating to residential wind power, and solar power for that matter, usually comes in the form of a press release. Unfortunately, the first time consumer of a particular product, like a wind turbine, assumes the information he or she just read in the press release is […]
Famous Celebrities You Never Knew That Enjoy Model Trains and Railroading
What has Johnny Cash, Winston Churchill, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Roger Daltrey, Joe DiMaggio, Rick Green, Gene Hackman, Tom Hanks, David Hasselhoff, Elton John, Michael Jordan, Frank Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart, Neil Young and Gary Coleman in common? All these celebrities love watching miniature trains running around miniature mountains, […]