The modern women faces a dilemma, how do I dress? Basically there are three ways to dress a naked women. A woman can dress the way her grandparents dressed, full makeup, full dress and don’t leave the house until everything is in place and perfect. The second style, if you […]
future fashion
Sleeve Garters – The History and Future of a Classic Men’s Fashion Accessory
Gamblers and cardsharps, gunslingers and knights-errant, traveling jazz musicians and punk rockers, even office clerks have had a hand in shaping the long and colorful story of sleeve garters — one of the classiest underrated accessories in the history of men’s fashion. Although often regarded today as novel anachronisms from […]
Current Tattoo Trends for Women
Getting a tattoo is no longer a passion only for the rich and wealthy. The trend is gripping middle class people at an amazing pace. With the advancement in technology the cost for getting a tattoo done has reduced considerably. The process is less cumbersome and a lot safer as […]
Is Online the Future of Clothes Shopping?
The internet has made a massive difference to so many sectors of the economy. The traditional model of the retail outlet has been changed forever, where people used to think of shops as the bricks and mortar establishments of old, so the new generation thinks of shops as places they […]