The need for educated individuals to work on developing computer software for a variety of reasons is growing as technology grows. In order to fully be capable of working in this industry students must earn a higher education in software development technology. Technology and computer based schools offer degree programs […]
Year: 2022
The One Predictable Thing About Technology
… Is that it’s unpredictable. Making predictions about anything is a tricky business. It’s often fraught with problems and compounded by two factors: too many variables and too many people. Making predictions in the world of technology is about as rough as it gets. You see a trend, a fad, […]
Get Trendy With Eco Friendly Handbags
Are you planning to buy a gorgeous handbag that is great for all occasions and makes a perfect style statement too? Then you are in for a pleasant surprise. Eco-friendly handbags are the chic fashion statement this season. Now, you can be fashion-conscious and eco-conscious too. It’s the new sexy […]
Sustainable Fashion – The Many Contradictions
In many ways the words sustainable and fashion don’t really sit together well. I have heard sustainable fashion described as both oxymoronic and a contradiction and perhaps this is true. Is it really possible for the fashion industry to become sustainable? Part of the problem with the term sustainable fashion […]